Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Here is Another Beautiful Bike

The bike is by Madrean Fabrication in Arizona.
The photo is by John Watson of The Radavist.com and it has my Rock 'n Road tires on it - Nice.
I'm living (since my sense of balance is gone) through Pictures of the bikes I used to ride, besides it has my tires on it.

Everything I have for Sale is on my Online Store at  - https://brucegordoncycles.bigcartel.com including tires and small parts I have for sale.


Bruce Gordon


  1. Never say die. I got a recumbent racing trike for just this contingency. Look into it and don't give up riding.https://www.icetrikes.co/products/vtx-recumbent-trike

    All the best

  2. Thank you very much for introducing such a beautiful bike.. I appreciate it!


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