The First Shipment of Taiwanese BLT Frames (Basic Loaded Touring) are on the water on the "Ever Eagle".
It has been almost a year in finalizing the production, with 3 prototypes.
Finally, a more affordable frame with all the same tubing, dropouts, design and features of the Rock 'n Road Tour that I have been building for 21 years including Bruce Gordon Racks. Many riders have considered my touring bikes to be the "Gold Standard" for years, but were priced beyond their budget.
I had a couple of frames from the first production run airshipped to be shown at Interbike in Las Vegas at the end of this month. The rest of the frames should be in my shop by the end of September.
They look GREAT!!
I have decided to "Spice" them up by offering them with Blue Racks. However, if that is "Too Spicy" - you can order one with Black Racks as picture on my Web Page -

This is the Packaged Deal - What you get is a Frame, Fork, Headset, and Quill Stem (made in Taiwan) + Front and Rear Bruce Gordon Racks (made in California) all for $975 + shipping.
I also have a small quantity of Shimano LX Group Kits on order that are due to arrive early in October. All the parts to build up a complete bike including wheels, will be available for approximately $700.
That means that you can build up a complete bike with Bruce Gordon Racks for about $1675 + shipping and handling